Instant Mobile Text Messaging

Hi everyone,

I am an Independent Sentext Solutions Agent representing this wonderful leader in the world of Mobile Text Messaging. To better inform you about our services, please look and ingest with wisdom what this video is about.  It’s crucial you 100% understand with simplicity whats being said as well as understood in this video that you will be better informed to make a “sensible decision” with regards to your business if you have one.

What you see the guy doing, going down the street is representative of what we can have your business doing with your customers, Today or (anytime you want to speak to them). It’s called Instant Mobile Text Messaging, Think about that for a moment with respect to your business. And there is over a 97% rate of readability your message WILL be READ! That rate alone should be enough to ensure you and your business it’s well worth the investment. Wouldn’t YOU want to have a 97% chance your ‘business offers” to your customers “will be read”? That’s what Instant Mobile Text Messaging does.

We know emails may or may not be read in time based on a 10-20% ratio of them being read for a customer to be able to take advantage of some type of reduced offer by YOUR company. In some instances, by the time the customer finds out, it may be too late. Then what a waste of effort by you, and your company.

SENTEXT provides an instant mobile messaging connection to your audience.

It’s Simple, instant information. So if you’re Not getting the results you want from social media, email or traditional media? Text messaging is the most immediate and effective way for any business, school, community, or any organization to communicate with customers or contact lists.

Get a Quote Today Here.

Scroll down to the “Services & Slogan Section“, then click onto either of the Cell phones with “Try it Out, Text Sentext to 51660“. Tell them George sent you or you were Referred by me, please.


p.s. from a God Inspired Company: Goulds Marketing Services LLC

p.p.s. We welcome you and would love to have you as a part of our team. Let the blessings FLOW to You!

p.p.s. A Dun and Bradstreet Verified Corporation